The 2024 Economic Work Conference of Aolong Group was successfully held


On August 10th, the 2024 Economic Work Conference of Aolong Group was held in the company's conference room. Chairman Li Yibin and other group executives, department heads, and technical team leaders attended the meeting. At the meeting, Mr. Li presented the "Mid Year Work Summary Report for 2024", which provided a targeted summary and analysis of the group's work from the perspective of comparing the completed work in 2024 with the work goals at the beginning of the year.

Aolong Group

Mr. Li emphasized that the sales work in the first half of the year has progressed smoothly, and more than half of the annual sales plan has been completed, which is an increase compared to the same period last year. The sales system needs to continue to make up for shortcomings and forge long areas, and strive to achieve new breakthroughs in the annual sales target through efforts in the second half of the year. The technical department continues to focus on improving key issues such as mechatronics integration, standardization, contract review, and technical document error rate. Technology research and development, as the core and foundation of Aolong's development, is a key factor in determining its growth and strength. Technical personnel need to strengthen their own abilities, enhance their sense of responsibility, and provide solid support for product projects. At present, the production system mainly suffers from low timely delivery rate and Regarding the issue of installing on-site replacement parts, all departments of the production system must strictly adhere to the company's system and procedures to carry out relevant work, improve the effectiveness of each link's audit, and control the production error rate. The work of other departments such as quality control, property management, and enterprise management continues to steadily advance and effectively carry out according to the plan at the beginning of the year.

Mr. Li also put forward requirements and hopes for the work of the group in the second half of the year. Each department should start from details and processes in the second half of the year, strive to achieve breakthroughs while completing the annual work goals. Each department should continue to improve work efficiency, strive for excellence, highlight strengths and avoid weaknesses, and ensure that all work is carried out in an orderly manner.

The afternoon meeting entered the discussion stage, with attendees discussing topics such as market expansion, production plan execution, cost control, pre-sales services, installation site control, and institutional process improvement. Everyone expressed their own opinions.Everyone starts from their actual work, raises questions and solves them.

This meeting was a high-quality and effective one, which clarified the direction for the group's work in the second half of the year. We hope that through everyone's joint efforts, we can successfully complete the 2024 work tasks.

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